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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And it Begins....

So, it's T minus 2 weeks at this point, and I'm still wildly unprepared for leaving (but ok with that, for some reason). I officially leave MT here Sept 26th for Philidalphia, then from there its off to Istanbul and then Turkmenistan to start the 3 month training process Oct 1. Should be a riot. I'm in the process of packing about a half a years supply of deodorant, shampoo, and other miscelaneous things they told me I'll need to bring, so my bag is starting to resemble a small pharmacy. Hmm. As of now I have my address where I can recieve mail for the next half a year or so, which is:

Ashgabat, 744000
Central Post Office
PO Box 258, Krugozor
U.S. PEace Corps Turkmenistan
Megan Haggar, PCT

Apparently, their addresses are written upside down, and you have to write "Par Avion" and "Via Istanbul" on the outside of the envelope to help it get here faster. And apparently alot of things dissapear mysterously in the mail en-route, so "expensive irreplacable objects should not be mailed". So don't mail me any of your grandmothers heirlooms, but PLEASE WRITE ME!!! They tell me the first few months are the hardest, so every little piece of mail counts. Well, off to South Dakota today for a quick family reunion, then back to MT to finish packing, then I'm off. Until then :)


Unknown said...

I'm excited to follow your progress... and who knows, maybe you'll convince me to follow in your footsteps!

Molly said...

Cool! I can't wait to read this everyday. When is the soonest I can mail you something?